Sunday, May 19, 2019

Causes of the English Civil War

Causes of The English Civil War In this opinion I get out be analysing the many causes and roots of the English Civil war which broke come forward in 1642. The English civil war was a long chain of conflict and rivalry, which was set between two rattling powerful forces, who consisted of The Royalists (King Charles I, and his supporters), and the Roundheads (Parliament, and their supporters).The feud erupted on the 22nd of August 1642, and lasted for 7 years, when its final effect took place in 1649. There were many reasons for this intellectual battle, including political arguments, economical arguments and also religious arguments, which will be categorised and stated in this essay. To begin with, one of the fundamental causes of The Civil War includes a religious argument, about James Is and Charles Is dedication to the shaper Rights of Kings.The Divine Rights of Kings was a religious doctrine, which states that a monarch is to have no authority to the will of his/her people , deriving the ripe to rule directly from the will of only God. James and Charles were both very firm, believers of The Divine Rights of Kings especially that, as to begin with James expected a great amount of attention from Parliament, by letting him set about his own decisions, and did non expect any of his decisions to be argued with.However at this time, Parliament consumed a major emolument over James, as parliament contained a great amount of bills, whereas James was constantly short of it. It was from his come that Charles acquired to also be a very strong devotee to the Divine Rights of Kings, as he complete the damaged relationship which was left between his father and Parliament, and blamed this action entirely on Parliament. This take to a complete ignorance with the Parliament, from Charles, and set his Godly rights to do as he pleased.But this action was considered a enormous shock to Parliament, during this time, as parliament had experienced to be much powerf ul under the period of the Tudors, and pass judgment current Kings and Queens to listen and abide by their commands, just like Elizabeth I had done, by be a succeeding sovereign, listening wisely to the Parliament, and standing by their rules. But the actions of Charles meant that the power of Parliament had been undertaken by the monarch, and their reputation continued to weaken. Because of this parliament now despised Charles very much. All these actions shows that TheDivine Rights of Kings is implied as a very significant reason to foundation of the civil war, as it is considered as the main reason for the start of the unanimous dispute and disagreement between the Royalists and Roundheads. This whole feud continued to develop, as parliament were increasingly getting more frustrated, with the fact that James I and Charles I, were acting even more unwisely upon idiotic decisions they do. An grand political reason for this is that both Charles I and James I, thoughtlessly and carelessly, choses the most unhelpful advisors for themselves.James I spot the Duke of Buckingham, for the most idiotic reason because he was good looking. James thought that the Public would be attracted to this reason, scarcely unfortunately were not, as Buckingham came out to be very stupid and a waste of choice. Charles also foolishly chose his advisor, by selecting his best friend the Earl of Strafford, which was a he mistake as he public scorned him, which led to a bad burden on the king. Another action that Gave Charles a bad impression was the amount of money that was wasted by him, by spending a hefty amount on insignificant things, such as cloths, parties and palaces.But this meant that Charles was continuously losing his money, and therefore, always ended up petition Parliament for more money. Charles found other ways to get more money, as he also need money for a war taking place against Spain at the time. One way Charless used was asking Parliament to increase taxe s, so that he could gain the money he needed, but unfortunately this didnt happen as Parliament refused to give the money to Charles, as Parliament had a list of take away to get more power off the King.But Charles did not take any of this, as he would not allow his power to be destroyed and taken away by Parliament, and in a shocking rage of anger he made the simple decision to shut down Parliament in 1629 for 11 years, which changed England politically, as it meant that there was now less control over England, to guide its path make this decisions also lead to consequences, as now that Parliament was gone, he needed to depend another fixing to get more money.In 1635, Charles decided made a very important economic decision to remedy to the ancient custom of demanding ship money. Ship money was an ancient tax, when kings were able to order coastal towns and villages to cook up for the expenses of the navy and ships. However, Charles demanded more ship tax the following year, a nd intended to ask for it every year. But this gained Charles a vast amount of complaints. Especially when in 1637, a man named John Hampden was prosecuted for refusing to pay ship tax. This made people very angry. And eventually in July 1641 ship tax was abolished.

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